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For Patients

What To Tell

For your first appointment you will need to discuss the following with your physician:

  • Bring a list of all prescription medications you are taking, or all of your prescription medications in a bag to show to your physician.
  • Bring a list of all dietary supplements (herbal, etc.) you are taking, or all of your dietary supplements in a bag to show your physician.
  • Be prepared to discuss your prior medical history with your physician. Filling out the new patient forms before arriving will be very helpful.
  • Tell your physician if you are allergic to any medicines.

Blue Ridge Cancer Care rely's on our patients to provide us with the most updated information avaialble.  This will ensure that your physician has your complete medical record.  If you have any questions, please call us prior to your appointment. 

We must have a signed authorization of medical records release from the patient on file in order for us to request your records from your referring physician.

Here is a list of items your physician will need on your first appointment:

If you have a cancer diagnosis: 

  • All surgical pathology reports pertaining to diagnosis
  • Latest lab work, especially blood counts
  • Any previous films and reports: PET scans, CT scans, MRI, X-ray, Mammogram
  • Any previous chemotherapy/radiation treatment notes
  • Physician’s progress notes

If you have a blood disorder:

  • Lab work for the last 3 -5 years, especially blood counts
  • Any previous films and reports: PET scans, CT scans, MRI, X-ray, Mammogram
  • Any previous bone marrow pathology reports
  • Physician’s progress notes