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Disease & Drug Information

Helpful Resources

We strongly believe patient education leads to better outcomes for our patients during their treatment process.  Here we  Below is a list of websites related to health, oncology and hematology medical issues.

American Cancer Society

American Society of Hematology

American Association for Cancer Research (AACR)


Cancer Detection and Prevention Online

CancerGuide: Steve Dunn's Cancer Information Page

Cancer Prevention Information from AICR - Online

Cancer Research Institute

CancerTrials: A service of the National Cancer Institute

Carilion Cancer Center

Coping University

Haematologica - The Hematology Journal Website

Hereditary Cancer Quiz

Institute of Cancer Research

Lewis Gale Cancer Center

National Cancer Institute

National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship

National Comprehensive Cancer Network

OncoLink: A University of Pennsylvania Cancer Center Resource

Patient Advocate Foundation

Phillip West Memorial Cancer Resource Center

Society of Gynecologic Oncologists

The Cedars-Sinai Comprehensive Cancer Center

UCSF Comprehensive Cancer Center 

Women's Cancer Network - Find a doctor in your State


Clinical Trials

Kansas City Clinical Oncology Program


Cancer Drugs

OncoLink: Angiogenesis and Anti-Angiogenic Factors

Medicines and Financial Resources

Financial Resources


RX Savings Plan

The Medicine Program


Breast Cancer Resources

Avon Foundation for Women

Breast Cancer Trials

Living Beyond Breast Cancer

Men Against Breast Cancer

Sisters Network, Inc.

Susan G. Komen for the Cure

Triple Negative Breast Cancer Foundation

Y-Me National Breast Cancer Organization

Young Survival Coalition