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Chemo drug in pregnancy may cause early menopause in daughters

Chemotherapy treatment during pregnancy could potentially affect the future fertility of unborn daughters, as well as raise their risk of early menopause.

Prevalence of estrogen receptor mutations in patients with metastatic breast cancer

A new study published online by JAMA Oncology examines the prevalence and significance of estrogen receptor mutations in patients with metastatic breast cancer.

Molecular flexibility shown to help pharmaceutical drugs bind to their targets

Scientists have discovered an alternative way to create a stronger binding between pharmaceutical drugs and the part of the body they are targeting - a development that can be used to fight a...

Fusobacteria use a special sugar-binding protein to bind to colon tumors

Some bacteria, called fusobacteria, commonly found in the mouth, use a sugar-binding protein to stick to developing colorectal polyps and cancers, according to a new study by researchers from...

Mid-range 'good' cholesterol levels associated with longer life

Low and high HDL cholesterol levels have been associated with an increased risk of premature death, while intermediate levels decrease the risk of death.

Bone Marrow Biopsy: What to Expect

What happens during a bone marrow biopsy? This article looks at how bone marrow biopsies are carried out, how long they take, and whether or not they hurt.

Immune analysis of on-treatment longitudinal biopsies predicts response to melanoma immunotherapy

Immune response measured in tumor biopsies during the course of early treatment predicts which melanoma patients will benefit from specific immune checkpoint blockade drugs, researchers at The...

Hiroshima and Nagasaki: Have the long-term effects been exaggerated?

Atomic bombs dropped on Japan killed around 200,000 people in 1945. A new analysis investigates the 60-year health impact on survivors and their offspring.

Most patients taking warfarin long-term do not maintain stable inr values

In a study appearing in JAMA, Sean D. Pokorney, M.D., M.B.A., Eric D. Peterson, M.D., M.P.H., of Duke University Medical Center, Durham, N.C.

Research suggests new tool for cancer treatment based on cell type

A new tumor model has been shown to predict how certain types of cancer cells react differently to a commonly used chemotherapy drug, a potential tool for "precision medicine," in which drug...