NCI News
FDA Warns Against Ovarian Cancer Screening Tests
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is alerting women and their medical care providers to the risks of using tests that are marketed as screening tests for ovarian cancer.
How Family History Affects Prostate Cancer Risk
It has long been known that men with a family history of prostate cancer are at higher risk of getting it themselves. Now researchers from Sweden have calculated just how much having a brother or father with prostate cancer – or both – raises the risk.
NCI embraces scientific road map to achieve Cancer Moonshot goals
National Cancer Institute Acting Director Douglas Lowy, M.D., today accepted, with revisions that reflect NCAB’s discussion, the recommendations of a Blue Ribbon Panel (BRP) on 10 approaches most likely to make a decade’s worth of progress against cancer in five years, a key goal of the White House Cancer Moonshot.
Take a Loved One for a Checkup
The third Tuesday of every September is Take a Loved One for a Checkup Day. It’s a reminder to help a friend, neighbor, or family member visit a health care professional.
Say Yes to Yoga
People who practice yoga claim it leads to a state of physical health, relaxation, happiness, peace, and tranquility.
Another Promising Neuroblastoma Discovery
ACS-funded researcher Edward Chan, MD, identified a previously undiscovered genetic mutation in neuroblastoma, the most common cancer in very young children.
Number of Cancers Linked with Excess Weight Rises from 5 to 13
The IARC released a new report on the link between weight control and cancer risk reaffirming its 2002 conclusion that absence of excess weight lowers cancer risk in several types of cancer.
Fighting Weight Gain in Childhood Leukemia
For children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), major weight gain can be a side effect of treatment. Researcher Elena Ladas, PhD, looks into the causes.
World Health Organization Links 8 More Cancer Types to Excess Weight
The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), part of the World Health Organization, has added 8 types of cancer to those it had previously linked to being overweight or obese.
American Cancer Society Updates Easy-to-Read Breast Cancer Book
Breast Cancer Clear & Simple, Second Edition: All Your Questions Answered is a straight-forward guide for women newly diagnosed with breast cancer.