NCI News
Top 10 Cancer News Stories of 2016
In 2016 we published stories about new findings in cancer risk factors, treatments, and survivorship issues in children and adults. Our writers and editors have chosen the 10 most significant stories of the year.
Early-phase trial demonstrates shrinkage in pediatric neural tumors
In an early-phase clinical trial of a new oral drug, selumetinib, children with the common genetic disorder neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) and plexiform neurofibromas, tumors of the peripheral nerves, tolerated selumetinib and, in most cases, responded to it with tumor shrinkage.
New Cancer Drug Approvals From 2016
In 2016, the FDA approved several new drug treatments for different cancer types that American Cancer Society editors believe will make a significant difference.
How to Prevent Cervical Cancer or Find It Early
During the past few decades, screening has reduced deaths from cervical cancer, as doctors have been able to find cancer early and treat it, or prevent it from ever developing.
How to Prevent Cervical Cancer or Find It Early
During the past several decades, screening – testing for cancer before symptoms develop – has reduced deaths from cervical cancer, as doctors have been able to find cancer early and treat it, or prevent it from ever developing.
Surgeon General Calls E-Cigarettes Dangerous to Young People
A new report from the US Surgeon General says e-cigarette use among youth and young adults has risen to the level of a public health concern.
Experts Gather for International Breast Cancer Research Conference
Breast cancer researchers from all over the world head to Texas this week for the annual San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium (SABCS).
Study Confirms There Is No Safe Level of Smoking
People who smoke as little as 1 cigarette a day over their lifetime still have a greater risk of early death than people who have never smoked, according to a study by researchers from the National Cancer Institute.
Focus on Easy, Healthy Food This Holiday Season
With an abundance of useful tips and healthy dishes, The American Cancer Society’s New Healthy Eating Cookbook, Fourth Edition, is here to help people eat healthier, feel good, and have more energy.
Cellular Immunotherapy Targets a Common Human Cancer Mutation
In a study of an immune therapy for colorectal cancer that involved a single patient, researchers identified a method for targeting the cancer-causing protein produced by a mutant form of the KRAS gene.